n. track: 1
Track organizer: Paola Rovelli
email: paola.rovelli@unibz.it
title: Gender studies in management, economics and organization
n. track: 2
Track organizer: Antonio Messeni, Fabio Nonino
email: antonio.messenipetruzzelli@poliba.it, fabio.nonino@uniroma1.it
title: Digital transformation
n. track: 3
Track organizer: Valentina Lazzarotti
email: vlazzarotti@liuc.it
title: Family business heterogeneity, strategies and value creation across generation
n. track: 4
Track organizer: Davide Hahn
email: davide.hahn@unibg.it
title: Exploring the multi-faceted non-economic goals of entrepreneurial firms
n. track: 5
Track organizer: Tommaso Agasisti, Emanuela Foglia
email: tommaso.agasisti@polimi.it, efoglia@liuc.it
title: Public service innovation: recent trends and perspectives
n. track: 6
Track organizer: Giuseppe Zollo
email: giuseppe.zollo@unina.it
title: Uncovering the hide side of complexity in economics and management
n. track: 7
Track organizer: Luciano Fratocchi
email: luciano.fratocchi@univaq.it
title: Managing international business network in digital manufacturing era: challenges and opportunities
n. track: 8
Track organizer: Marika Arena
email: marika.arena@polimi.it
title: Measuring and managing shared value of innovation ecosystems
n. track: 9
Track organizer: Luisa Pellegrini
email: luisa.pellegrini@ing.unipi.it
title: Enabling open innovation: methods, tools and context